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André Campra: Messe de Requiem & Les Maîtres de Notre-Dame de Paris

André Campra: Messe de Requiem & Les Maîtres de Notre-Dame de Paris Sébastien Daucé, Ensemble Correspondances HMM902679 [...] The introit unfolds with a similar ‘air of etherial mystery’ that Nicholas Anderson once admired in John Eliot Gardiner’s account (10/1980). If I leave this piece long enough I forget how tuneful it is, but fortunately Daucé does not, he opts for a rich, mellifluous quality not unlike Emmanuelle Haïm's recent live album (03/24) but overall lighter in phrasing. Notably, Daucé also maintains a stronger forwards thrust across the opening movements. I think here it’s important to name-check at least two of the soloists (they’re all brilliant) but Randol Rodriguez in Te decet hymnus Deus and Lucile Richardot in the Kyrie set an extremely hight bar. Richardot in particular has an enviable evenness of tone throughout her range that enables her to maintain absolute clarity even in the most gentle of passages. [...] As the renovation of Cathédrale Notre-Dame de P

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