Planctus: muerte y apocalipsis en la edad media

Planctus: muerte y apocalipsis en la edad media
Capella de Ministrers / Carles Magraner
CdM 1536
Marking the 500th anniversary of the Council of Constance (1414-18), which ended the Papal Schism, this fascinating new programme of laments from Capella de Ministrers explores ‘Death and Revelation in the Middle Ages’ through sources as diverse as court entertainments and the apocalyptic sermons of the Dominican Friar Vincent Ferrer. The result is a musical setting of the Officium Defunctorum recovered from ancient Hispanic liturgy including ordinary movements from the Misa de Barcelona and Misa de Notre-Dame de Kernasceléden interwoven with a varied selection of late medieval works on similarly eschatological themes.
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